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Download the Property Agent Checklist

Wayfinder is here to help you make a difference in your community through your property. Working with the right tax agent can save you significant dollars on your largest annual expense, while the wrong agent might cost you thousands and leave you with a big headache. Those savings definitely affect the impact you can make.

The Property Agent Checklist is the tool you need to evaluate your current agent, or help you determine what you should be seeking in a new partner. This checklist is valued at over $1,000, but we want to gift it to you today to help you make an impact for good in your communities.

Checklist Download

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Frequently Asked Questions

When will you visit my property?
When we enter an agreement more than 90 days before the deadline, we will visit the properties before the deadline. If we are engaged less than 90 days before the deadline, we will visit the property as soon as possible. We know that an agent cannot know the property effectively until they see it up close and personal. Many additional and specific questions about the property arise due to what is observed at an onsite inspection. Issues that could have a substantial impact on value are sometimes missed or overlooked when properties are not visited.
Where do you specialize?
We specialize in multi-family properties in Texas. Market specialization increases the quality of the results produced. Our former experience in a majority of the 50 states provides an excellent foundation for bringing proven concepts from other markets into Texas.
How do you guarantee my properties are given the attention they deserve?
We limit our agents to 100 properties per year to make sure each property can be visited in person and given the care they need for the best appeal. Those we represent receive top notch service and understand that we act with only their best interests in mind. Furthermore, if accepting a potential client would jeopardize the service we provide to one or more of our valued and existing clients, we will decline the new engagement.

Stop Overpaying Taxes Today!

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